"Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others"
(Philippians 2:4).
Working Together for Good
"Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others" (Philippians 2:4).

A prominent and most relevant word is the verb "look" (skopeo), which means "to pay careful attention to, look out for, notice." Just as you might take out a magnifying glass and observe in detail (look) at the old pictures you or someone else took of your family, you know what it is like to look closely at the details of the loved ones you cared and still think about, even though many are already with the Father.

God wants you to study and observe believers to an even greater extent. I think maybe He then wants you to prioritize their interests before you do your own.

Important: Many Christians, however, assume that we are to pursue the interests of others with all that is within us… and yet, neglect those who are most important to us. Although loving others and helping them in time of need is an admirable Christ-like quality to have, it is important to understand that this can often lead to the neglect of one's marriage, family, and personal walk with Christ. Sad to say, this is done in the name of ministry!

It is far better to care for your own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs so that you can care for others for many years. Paul is telling us to not be selfish and unbecoming to others by always taking care of self before opening ourselves up to sharing our gifts and time with others.
Do you look out for the interests of others? When you talk to others, do you talk about yourself or them? God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. He expects you to listen much more than you talk. The goal should be to ask questions such as:

  • How are you doing spiritually?
  • How is your marriage and family?
  • Is work going well?
  • What has God been teaching you?
  • How can I be praying for you?
  • Do you pray more for others than you do yourself?
  • Do you find satisfaction in seeing your spiritual children surpass you in the work they are called to do?
  • Do you want other life-giving, evangelical churches in your community to succeed more than or as much as your church?
  • Do you study the persecuted church and lift these precious brothers and sisters in Christ up in prayer?
If so, you're applying this verse.
On the hit TV show, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, whole communities work together to provide a new home for a family in need. It is amazing to watch the cast and crew of the show as they rally the town, the builders, and each other in order to complete the project within seven days. Then, when it's time to bring the family home, all those people get the chance to celebrate the accomplishment together. Even viewers feel they have a chance to participate in the celebration. (Copied, anonymous source).
Now, imagine the excitement and joy we would experience as a community of believers if we banded together in the name of God to effect change in our homes, communities, states, nation, and world! It would be remarkable to see what would happen if we all worked together for God's purpose.