"The Great Reunion in Heaven..."

By Gerald Cumby
The Great Reunion in Heaven
The stories, the laughter, the joy, the knowledge of knowing we will be with the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, family and friends forever...

All of us who know will be in heaven after we pass from this life have thought about spending time with those who were major Bible characters in the Word of God.
David, Paul, Moses, Luke, all the apostles who saw the miracles of Jesus. Boy...there will be some exceptional stories come from those who walked and talked with God the Father and Jesus the Son.

John 21:24-25, “This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true. 25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”

So...You will surely want to hear about the “many other things” that Jesus did that astounded the Disciples and the others around these miracles.

What about the brothers and sisters of Jesus? What do you think they will want to say about their brother? I will want to hear...What about you?
Matthew 13:55 "Is this not the carpenter's son? Isn't His mother's name Mary, and aren't His brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas? Matthew 13:56 Aren't all His sisters with us as well? Where then did this man get all these things?"

Do you, like me, have family members who do not believe in Jesus?

If so, we are in good company. So did Jesus. And I think this is meant to give us hope.
According to the Apostle John, “not even his brothers believed in him” (John 7:5). That is incredible. Those who had lived with Jesus for 30 years really did not know him. Not one of Jesus’ brothers is mentioned as a disciple during his pre-crucifixion ministry. But after his resurrection and ascension, there they are in the upper room worshiping him as God (Acts 1:14).

Why didn’t they believe? And what made them change?

The Bible does not answer the first question. But...we can ask them when we speak with them!

I’ll bet it was difficult to have Jesus for a brother.
  1. Jesus would have been without peer in intellect and wisdom. He was astounding temple rabbis by age 12 (Luke 2:42, 47).
  2. Jesus’ consistent and extraordinary moral character must have made him odd and unnerving to be around.
  3. Jesus was deeply and uniquely loved by Mary and Joseph. How could they not have treated him differently?
Jesus outclassed his siblings in every category. How could anyone with an active sin nature not resent being eclipsed by such a perfect brother?

More pain than we know must have been behind Jesus’ words, “a prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household” (Matthew 13:57).

The story of Jesus’ brothers can actually give us hope for our loved ones.
At the time his brothers claimed that Jesus was “out of his mind” (Mark 3:21), it must have appeared very unlikely that they would ever become his disciples. But eventually they did! And not only followers, but leaders and martyrs in the early church.

So, take heart! Do not give up praying for unbelieving family members.
Do not take their resistance as the final word. They may yet believe and be used significantly in the kingdom!

It may have taken 20-30 years of faithful, prayerful witness by the Son of God, but the miracle occurred: his brothers believed.

This weekend is one of the two family reunions Sherry and I attend each year. We love to greet our loved ones, meet new members of the family, hear the stories and memories recalled and communicated, the music and singing, the love and delight we have of connection and reflection. As you attend family reunions, school reunions, etc. let’s remind ourselves that there will be the greatest reunion waiting for us when we cross the finish line of our time on earth. As the birth of a baby is such a joy and, indeed, a miracle; so is the new birth found in Jesus Christ, our Lord

“The Impossible TRULY Becomes Possible!”

Enjoy the journey as you make your way through life to the next one...eternal glory with the Lord of Host
The Great Reunion in Heaven