By Sherry Cumby
Bright Lights and Hungry Hearts for Truth Brings Joy and Harmony in the Camp
Rejice and be Glad
While teaching the Sermon on the Mount to His disciples, Jesus said,
"You are the salt of the earth; ...the light of the world...Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
These words from Matt. 5 are just as relevant today as they were the day Jesus first uttered them.

If someone had made known to you 5 years ago what a difference your contributions of the gifts allotted to you - coupled with the gifts of a body of believers stationed at your home church invested in the Kingdom of God would have brought forth, you probably would not have believed it.

With this, we respond:

The challenge to each of us as a child of the Most High God is:
  • To ask the Lord to fill us with His Spirit- to the overflow.
  • As a unified body waiting and longing for our Bridegroom's soon appearing, may we give of ourselves to be all that we can be and to do all that we can do to let the lights of your church shine.
  • May we pray earnestly - longing to know the Lord on a more intimate basis.

IF THE LORD TARRIES, and we are willing to occupy until He comes, a few years from now, the veil will be lifted to reveal the result of our combined efforts.
  • Many people will have come to know the Lord and be filled with His Spirit.
  • Many will know that the promises God made with ABRAHAM, ISAAC, and JACOB in an eternal covenant are as much for the engrafted body of Jesus Christ as those who dwell in Jerusalem, Israel...and together we have the responsibility to hold onto what He has promised for HIS NAME SAKE.
    • Perhaps we will be able to take a trip to the Holy Land and worship in the THIRD TEMPLE ON TEMPLE MOUNT. Until it is built, let us not keep silent.
    • May Christians work alongside Jewish men and women who would lay down their very lives to protect the Torah and the words of the prophets.
    • May these two groups gain wisdom and understanding and be united in fulfillment of the Lord's High Priestly Prayer in John 17.

Many of you who have been reading the Word have grown spiritually beyond measure. Our hearts rejoice with you when you remember special ones within your body who have experienced the supernatural work of God. They stand and testify as we do of the Lord's faithfulness.

Many if not all of you have prayed faithfully that God might extend mercy to our grandson, Tyler and to his family. The Lord has moved mountains and cast them into the sea during his twenty seven years of life.

In doing so, however, He placed within me His greatest desire and that is that the Gentiles would be about our Father's business in making the Jewish people jealous; causing them to embrace Yeshua/ Jesus Christ, our One True Messiah.

I have shared this desire through tears with many of the church and many pastors. I believe as a reward of sharing what He placed on my heart, the Lord has given me a great desire of my heart to see many come to know Jesus through several ministries of which I am involved along with many servants of God. Stonecroft Ministries, Child Evangelism Fellowship (Good News Clubs all over the World), and other women's ministries have been telling the good news of Jesus day...and thousands have come to know Christ.

Even as God has answered specific prayers for our grandson Tyler, He has also answered the prayers for effective evangelism in the local ministries as well as the global initiative of winning souls throughout the world.

Be encouraged. He will answer your prayers in His time and according to His will.

He is Elroi, the God who sees me; the God who sees you. He is here; as I write this devotion...and He is where you are as you read this word of encouragement.

God longs to fulfill His covenant promises with the ones who have given their lives to Him. He personally becomes involved in your life...Your going out and coming in when you are in total agreement with His ideals for positive and faith based living.

Give in to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. He desires to work within you a new order of things in your life. He loves to bless those who yield to His teaching and His precepts.

Today is the day of your victory. In your spirit, "rejoice and be exceedingly glad" because you are an overcomer...a child of the Most High God.