There is no finer teacher on prophecy than Jesus Himself.

There is no finer teacher on prophecy than Jesus Himself. Jesus, the Messiah, is found in many pages of the Old Testament (Scripture). Jesus talked about Himself as being the prophesied Messiah throughout His walk as the Son of God... Son of Man.

Jesus, Himself, said in John 5:39, "You [Jewish people] diligently study the Scriptures [which at that time were the 39 books of the Tanak/Old Testament]... These are the Scriptures that testify about me." That should settle the question.

But even a more famous quote was when Jesus rebuked Cleopas, and that other unnamed disciple, as they walked along the road to Emmaus on that first Easter Sunday. Jesus said, "How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory? And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, [Jesus] explained to them what was said in all the [Old Testament] Scriptures concerning himself" (Luke 24:25-27).

King David also predicted the resurrection of Jesus back in 1000 B.C. as he, too, saw what was ahead, namely, that Jesus would not be "abandon[ed] ... to the grave, nor [would he] let his Holy One see decay" (Ps 16:8-11; Acts 2:30-31). Therefore, we, too, should find Jesus present in the events and the predictions found in the Old Testament.

It should not be a surprise that we should find that Jesus was both actually present in the Old Testament as accurately predicted, and that he would come first as the Savior of the world (to the Jew first and then to the Gentiles), and then in a later second coming, would appear as the King supreme over all the earth. This is all considered truth because He was, He is and He is the One to come. However, all too many miss both his real presence in the Old Testament narrative and the numerous predictions of both his first and second advents/comings.

To remedy this, let us see the truth found in the Scriptures as Jesus, the Messiah, was prophesied long ago and of which He fulfilled all Scripture as He walked planet Earth, died a agonizing and painful death, and rose again just as predicted and prophesied.

When Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me," He was fulfilling every prophecy of Scripture because He knew the past, the present and the future. He was in the beginning and He will be crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords for eternity. Believe today... what was the truth yesterday, today, and forever.

Topic Old Testament New Testament

Messiah to be the seed of the Woman Genesis 3:15 Luke 2:5-7
Galatians 4:4

Messiah to be the seed of Abraham Genesis 12:2-3, 18:18 Matthew 1:1-2
Luke 3:34
Acts 3:25
Galatians 3:16

Messiah to be of the tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 Matthew 1:1-2

Messiah to be of the seed of David 2 Samuel 7:16
Psalm 132:11
Jeremiah 23:5, 33:15
Matthew 1:6, 22:42-45
Luke 1:31-33
Acts 2:29-30
Romans 1:3

Messiah to be born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 1:26-38

Messiah to be born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1-6
Luke 2:4-6

Tribute paid to Messiah by great kings Psalm 72:10-11 Matthew 2:1-11

Messiah to be heralded by a messenger Isaiah 40:3
Malachi 3:1
Matthew 3:1-3

Messiah to be the Son of God Psalm 2:2,7 Matthew 3:17
Luke 1:32-33

Messiah to be anointed by the Holy Spirit Isaiah 11:2 Matthew 3:16-17

Galilee first area of Messiah's ministry Isaiah 9:1-7 Matthew 4:12-16

Messiah to be meek and mild Isaiah 40:11, 42:2-3, 53:7 Matthew 12:18-20, 26:62-68

Messiah to minister to the Gentiles Isaiah 42:1, 49:6-8 Matthew 12:21
Luke 2:28-32

Messiah will perform miracles Isaiah 35:5-6 Matthew 9:35, 11:3-6
John 9:6-7

Messiah to be a prophet like Moses Deuteronomy 18:15-19 Matthew 21:11, 24:1-35
John 1:45, 6:14
Acts 3:20-23

Messiah to enter the temple with authority Malachi 3:1-2 Matthew 21:12

Messiah will enter Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9-10 Matthew 21:1-11

Messiah to be betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 John 13:18-21

Messiah to be forsaken by his disciples Zechariah 13:7 Matthew 26:31, 56

Messiah will be smitten Isaiah 50:6 Matthew 26:67, 27:26,30

Messiah to experience crucifixion (long before crucifixion was invented) Psalm 22:15-17 Matthew 27:34-50
John 19:28-30

Messiah will be pierced Zechariah 12:10 John 19:34-37

Details of Messiah's suffering and death and resulting salvation (hundreds of years before Christ!) Psalm 69:21
Isaiah 53:2-12
Matthew 26-27
Mark 15-16
Luke 22-23
John 18-19

Messiah to die in 33 AD Daniel 9:24-26 33 AD is the widely accepted historical date of the crucifixion

Casting of lots for His garments Psalm 22:18 John 19:23-24

Messiah to be raised from the dead Psalm 16:10 Acts 2:25-31, 13:32-37, 17:2-3

Messiah's resurrection Job 19:25
Psalm 16:10
Acts 2:30-31, 13:32-35, 17:2-3
1 Corinthians 15:20-22

Messiah to ascend to heaven Psalm 68:18 Luke 24:51
Acts 1:9
Ephesians 4:8-13

Messiah to be at the right hand of God Psalm 110:1 Matthew 26:64
Mark 14:62
Romans 8:34
Hebrews 1:3

Messiah, the stone which the builders rejected, to become the head cornerstone Psalm 118:22-23
Isaiah 8:14-15, 28:16
Matthew 21:42-43Acts 4:11
Romans 9:32-33
Ephesians 2:20
1 Peter 2:6-8