Lasso the Listening Trait When You Teach God's Word
  • "Listen" appears in the Bible 109 times (KJV). Most of the time it is followed by "heed" or "do"
  • Why is it important to listen?
    We learn from listening; not talking. When you listen to someone, you gain insight. When you are talking you very seldom learn anything. You might have learned something by reading or listening before you have started your talk; but, not just running the mouth without using the skill of listening.
    "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
              James says, "Be doers of the Word, not just hearers."

What points can we come up with to initiate our listening ability?
  1. Listen to Others...find someone who you respect and learn to listen.... because you listen to learn. You can even gain great insight in listening to those who are not a Christian. We don't have the corner on the market as to what leadership traits and skills will be beneficial to us.
    Integrity and Ingenuity can go hand and hand (partners).
    Integrity = the quality of being honest and trustworthy.
    Ingenuity = the quality of being clever or skillful.
    "I would hope that our ability to listen will help us have a spirit of excellence in accomplishing great things for Christ."

  2. Listen to yourself...not standing in front of the mirror...even listening to yourself talk....but, listening to your inner self...that part of self which gauges our dos and don't' is our conscience. There are lots of quality and energetic activities inside you. If you have studied the Word (the Bible), all of those Scriptures you have read and it gripped you...they will come back to you. They will lead you to paths of righteousness and never lead you astray.
  3. Listen to the Holy Spirit living inside you. He will never steer you wrong. He is a teacher, counselor, sidekick, partner with you...
    According to the Word of God in Romans 8:9, "He that hath not the Holy Spirit living in you, you are not one of His." Most translations says, "He that does not have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in him, he is not one of His."
    No matter what you are doing for the Lord, a good leader listens intently (inner self) to what the Spirit is saying to him or her. Remember, we learn to listen...and we listen to learn.

    It is important to always use Bible Based Teaching when you are teaching the Word of God.

    • Stick to the Bible when you teach...You will never go wrong. Too many times we speculate and try to give our own ideas as to what a Scripture might mean. The Bible always confirms itself. Proven by 2 or 3 witnesses.
    • You can tell stories, you can laugh and you can cry to make a point when you teach, when you share your heart...But, always go back to Scripture to back up your stories.
    • Do not just count on someone else to give the lesson by taking up quality time for teaching in telling personal stories. Make sure what is said is backed up with Scripture. There is nothing wrong in getting the class involved in making good points in support of the lesson. Be careful of going on rabbit hunts and not sticking to the main theme of the lesson.
Equip DNA is Bible Based Teaching...
Christians should be in partnership with each other and our DNA should match. DNA
D = Dead to Sin
N = New in Christ Jesus (Born again)
A = Atoned for by the Blood of the Lamb (Jesus)...