Josiah... King of Judah
A King who Listened to the Words of God and Obeyed! (2 Chronicles 34:1-33)
Josiah... King of Judah
Josiah responded in a humbled state to God's reaction to Judah's sin.

He realized the holiness of God... and led his people to a right relationship with the True God of his fathers (grandparents).

He removed idols from the country. He read the law of God to his people. He did not rely on someone else to do it.

We have a responsibility to stand up for what is right. We might not have the authority that King Josiah had... but we have the rights that many other countries don't have. The freedom of speech, the freedom of worship, and the right to vote our choices.

Do we dare to choose the person that can make right choices for God?

Do we dare to voice our opinions as to what this country was built on... and the strong influence that God and Christian principles had in "forming a more perfect union"?

Our country is not perfect... nor or we... but the principles and attributes that made our country and our pride are evident in the history of this great country.

You can make a difference. You can vote... You can stand up for what the Bible states is right and wrong.

Be a man and woman of principle and godly character.

Truth above reproach. Be a Josiah... Be a Joseph... Be a strong believer in the Word of God.

God is Holy... we are not! God is just... we can be "just" only by our trust in His grace and mercy!

Seek truth at all cost. Truth is contagious and your trustworthiness will be remembered if you lean on the principles of God.
God’s Holiness and Man’s Unworthiness