Statistics and Logistics for God's Glory
Statistics and Logistics for God’s Glory
It is not my wife's (Sherry) nor my desire to put "points on the board" so to speak concerning our website and how many visitor's read or use for study our Bible studies, devotions, or training writings. We do, however, want the writings to be a blessing to others as they browse through the many diverse thoughts we have penned throughout the years. We do not want or even imagine our writings to ever take the place of the Word of God; for the Word of God is more powerful than any two-edged sword. Our writings only reflect and encourage the readers of maranathatoday.com (small knife when placed beside the two-edged sword) to "study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, who rightly divides the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). However, in our writings it is our sincere hope that our thoughts placed on paper and into our lessons over the years would be a catalyst for the readers to desire a closer and more dedicated walk with God.

Long after Sherry and I are gone from this world and in heaven with the King of Kings and our many loved ones who have gone on before us, we want this website to be a haven of rest for those reading, studying, and growing in the grace of God. We have found that people all over the world are viewing our website and taking interest in those writings to enhance their Bible studies and spiritual walks as they travel through this life. All of us who are Christians know that this world is not our home. However, in our travels of life on earth we want to be a blessing and leave this earth a better place for others who follow. We feel we can do that by living our lives with a desire to bless others. When we bless, we are blessed.

We began our website in January, 2016. People from 87 different countries have viewed our website since its inception. One site keeping statistics for our web host states maranathatoday.com has had over 150,000 hits on our website in the last year.

The most exciting statistic for us has been the fact that Evangelism 101 (PowerPoint) has been viewed more than any of our writings. The interest in witnessing across the globe is evident as we see viewers every month read and study this presentation on evangelism with its pertinent information and tools for witnessing.

When Jesus said to the disciples, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" (Mark 16:15) these disciples must have thought, "That is impossible." Today that is a great hope and possibility with the internet. Yes, the internet can be a bad influence on people around the world. However, without it the world as a whole would never get to know the salvation message instituted and promoted by Jesus Himself. As two adults "getting up there in age," Gerald and Sherry Cumby would never be able to reach very many people and tell them about Jesus and His salvation message. But now, our message can go out across the sea and into the homes of every person on earth due to the internet. May God receive the glory for it all!

"But I ask: Did they not hear? Of course they did: "Their voice has gone out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." (Romans 10:18)

Viewers from the following countries/significant territories/populations have viewed maranathatoday.com website. Praise God!

United States, Poland, China, France, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Vietnam, Ukraine, Netherlands, Israel, Estonia, Sweden, Russian Federation, Brazil, Italy, Mexico, Ecuador, Portugal, Philippines, Romania, Switzerland, Indonesia, Greece, Mozambique, Thailand, Norway, United Arab Emirates, Denmark, Lithuania, Moldova, Chile, Luxembourg, South Africa, Argentina, Slovak Republic, South Korea, Singapore, Macau, Spain, India, Columbia, Equador, Costa Rica, Belgium, Japan, Nepal, Venezuela, Liberia, Madagascar, Republic of Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Samoa Islands, Tonga, New Zealand, Kenya, Australia, Hungary, Croatia, Trinidad and Tobago, Fiji, Cameroon, Bulgaria, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Iceland, Tunisia, Slovenia, Taiwan, Angola, Ethiopia, Austria, Albania, Iran, and Morocco.

Each month the statistics and logistics of where the data is dispensed will change. With that change, our main goal is to see many hearts gloriously changed as the story of Christ is presented in the bible studies, devotions, and training tools. Every heart changed will be for the glory of God. "Change us, Lord, change us!"

I love history, whether it be about the city in which we reside, the states that make up our great country, our country itself, or the world in which we live. However, the greatest history I feel most appealing to my senses is "His story"... God's revelation to man.

Blessings to you the reader of this message. May God grip you with a desire to witness to the lost souls and hurting people on planet earth.


Gerald Cumby

Statistics and Logistics for God’s Glory