Is it the end of time... or is it just the beginning of the end?
By Gerald Cumby, April 19, 2020
Is it the end of time... or is it just the beginning of the end?

Is it the end of time... or is it just the beginning of the end?

Does the Bible scare you... or, does it bring joy to your heart?

What are the most frightening truths in the Bible that you are concerned about?


Things during the end times will be chaotic. A time of confusion and uncertainty will cause the people to desperately look for a strong leader that could bring hope and security in a time of fear and apprehension. People will desperately seek a strong, charismatic, authoritative leader who can pull the world back from the very brink of disaster.

Those people will get their wish as a powerful, charismatic leader spouting peace and unity comes on the scene. But he will turn out to be much more than they bargained for. He will be a dictator whose cruelty will be more than any other the world has ever known. This man will be the Antichrist as he will rule the entire world and receive its worship.

Let me remind you... You don't have to worry, God is still handling problems. God is still in the miracle working business. God is so amazing that it is beyond our imagination as to how he will take care of His own!

What is bothering you most about life?

Let me remind you! ROSES WILL BLOOM AGAIN!

"ROSES WILL BLOOM AGAIN" (Chorus to a great song)

 "Roses will bloom again... Just wait and see,
 Don't mourn what might have been, Only
 God knows how and when; but, Roses will bloom again."

But... Before they bloom, chaotic things will try to desolate the land and cause people to despair beyond imagination!

This is the time of the dreaded COVID-19 (A deadly disease) pandemic. It has caused an upheaval of turmoil, tragedy, and despair for those who have no hope. This pandemic has caused panic and pandemonium in a world of people who have never experienced such an evil and dark time in their lives. As of this date, over 2 million confirmed cases worldwide of COVID-19 with 154,215 deaths. All happening in approximately two months. One person said on the news the other day, "It is a disease from hell!"

With that statement, I would like to reflect on this report and its impact on people's lives. This disease has practically shut-down the world's economy, caused families to lose precious loved ones with no way to adequately and appropriately hold funeral services. Love ones can't visit their family and friends in the hospital. Churches have not been able to gather in fellowship with one another. This is and has been a demonic plague from hell.

God's authority and goodness has been questioned by many in the world of panic. To the Christian, panic should not be in one's vocabulary. But... we find that there are many weak and weary church-going Christians as well as the unchurched ready to throw in the towel and say, "I can't take this anymore." They have panicked in this pandemic that has caused pandemonium in the world in which we live.

Speaking of "pandemonium," let's look at some specifics in this word. The definition of pandemonium is "a wild uproar in a chaotic situation." However, pan-+daemonium (latin) means "evil spirit" or "demon." And... this is just what this disease is... demonic.

Who brought this plague on our world? Did it happen because of the heretics, the atheists, the agnostics, the people worshipping other gods, or the ungodly practices of worldly people going against the moral and ethical principles of God's Word? Chances are, all of the factors above are only part of the problem. What I have been worried about more than anything... is it the ungodly practices of those that hold up the Christian flag and are living like the world? I think about it and realize...our world is no different than what the world's actions were in Jesus' time, or what it was in our parents' time. Why now? Do we who try to live according to the Scriptures share in the cause of this problem?
Here is what I think. Notice... this is what I think. Can you and I "take it to the bank" so to speak?
Answer: If my thinking correlates and coincides with Scripture then my thinking is probably right. I do know, however, my thinking gets blurred at times because I am human.
Now! What do I think?
This pandemic reality:
  • Satan has loved every minute of our panic.
  • Satan loves the death and destruction that is prevalent in this wake of pandemonium. Remember: Pandemonium = evil spirit; chaos and wild uproar in a chaotic situation.
  • Satan gives nothing, but enjoys taking away.
  • Satan hates goodness and mercy.
  • Satan thinks that he has God on the run when he causes chaos in God's created world.
  • Satan wants and desires your life... and your soul.

BUT, Satan is allowed to roam and cause chaos because of the fallen world in which we live. NEWS FLASH! God always (Here it is) "works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose."

  1. God is good all the time.
  2. God is righteous all the time.
  3. God loves His own; his children.
  4. God provides for His own.
  5. God is our Rock in time of trouble.
  6. God is still in control of this universe.
  7. God is the Creator of the created (He knows you better than you know yourself).
With this knowledge of Scripture truths, God is going to see us through this pandemic. The question now is will we grow weaker or stronger due to this pandemic?

I don't know about you, but I know I feel God's presence in every situation. Many people, however, feel God has turned His back and is not interested in helping mankind out in this great pandemic. I don't believe that!

Every time there has ever been chaos in my life, God has worked it out for good... for my good. Not everything is good. I know that. However, it is through trouble and turmoil, bad situations and hard times, when I grow the most. I grow because my faith grows. How about you? Does your faith diminish when it looks like God has deserted you or your loved ones? For those who know the Word of God and try to live according to the Scriptures, faith grows when things look, sound, and become bleak and generally bad.

Faith is not based on the facts surrounding us. Faith is based on that which is not seen. Remember: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen," (Hebrews 11:1). And, "By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear" (Hebrews 11:3).

Christian faith is belief in the Christian God. This is the foundation for all of our reasoning as a Christian. Otherwise, a person has no foundation... just an opening in his mind for human logic and reason. And that logic and reason is enmity against God. Human reasoning or presupposing your own authority is enmity against God; which is a sin against God.

The believer (the born-again Christian that knows Jesus Christ as his personal Savior) is directed to avoid philosophy which has its roots in worldly, humanistic, and non-Christian presuppositions (Colossians 2:8), "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ." It is imperative that the Christian who prefers to know the truth and desires the truth to set him free understands that God's Word demands unreserved allegiance to God and His truth in all our thought(s) and scholarly endeavors. Therefore, he must make every academic pursuit and every thought related to Jesus Christ. To not use the principles of Christ in our thoughts at any point is to deny the wisdom and knowledge of truth God has placed in us when we accepted Him as our Savior and Lord. Does this mean that those that fail to place Christ Jesus as the pivotal point of all relationships and all activities are non-believers or non-Christian? No... but it does mean that the Christian that places reason or fact before faith is inviting the enemy into his thoughts, presuppositions and actions and will eventually lead to false religion or false and uncharacteristic actions of faith.
If I had one blessing from the Word of God to quote to my fellow Christians, it would be:
"Then Jesus told him (Thomas), "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:29)

By faith, I see the truth. By faith, I was born again. By faith, I will see the Lord.

There is no doubt in my mind that this pandemic will not be the end of the world and these troublesome times will pass.

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble," (Psalm 46:1).

Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge, (Psalm 62:8).

Is it the end of time…or is it just the beginning of the end?