What Significance was it then... and today?


What about Jesus' Baptism?Matthew 3:13-17

What Significance was it then...and today?

What was accomplished in His baptism?
  1. It announced the beginning of Jesus' ministry.
  2. It affirmed that He was who John thought He was - the Son of God - as confirmed by God's own voice.
  3. It allowed Jesus to identify with the sinfulness of human beings though He was without sin
  4. Jesus' baptism gave all of us an example to follow.
Baptism is an outward sign of what has happened on the inside.

What do we know about Jesus...between the time He was brought back to Bethlehem from Egypt and the time He was baptized by John?

"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature..and in favor with God and man" Luke 2:52

Where did you fail as a human being? What was the first sin you remember and why did you do it?
Is it your fault you sinned the first time?
Why do we all face judgment?

When this week's story took place, Jesus was about 30 years old and ready to begin His ministry.

John the Baptist was Jesus' cousin and sent by God to "prepare the way for the Lord" Matthew 3:3.

In what way did John prepare the way for the Lord?
  • Preaching Repentance
  • Baptizing people
  • Announcing that there was one coming that would have a different baptism (baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire)
  • The worthiness of Jesus was announced (John stated that he was not worthy to carry Jesus' sandals....a very menial task)
  • Assisted in officially initiating the Messianic role of Jesus.
  • Followed Jesus instead of gathering momentum for his own cause.
  • Pointed to Jesus as the one to follow to death.
  • Trust in Jesus even when you don't understand all the reasons for it.
When the heavens opened (Matthew 3:16) we don't know exactly what took place. However, it was something of the radiance of God's glory and evidently visible.
All three persons of the Trinity were present at Jesus' baptism. The Son was baptized...showing His dedication to His mission;The Holy Spirit came upon Him and empowered Him;The Father spoke His love and approval.

What a wonderful picture of the God who created us and provided a way for us to have an eternal relationship with Him!

The #1 Thing Jesus is incredible. We should be thankful every day to the Son of God - for introducing us to God and for revealing the beauty of a life lived for Him.

  • In His life on earth, Jesus introduced people to God.
  • After Jesus ascended into heaven, His disciples followed His example and led others to believe in God and in Jesus' sacrifice.
  • We should follow example to lead others to the same belief.

Question of the day:
What can you do today to help someone else believe?