God has many names mentioned in the Bible. Each one has a particular meaning. What are some of the most powerful names of God and their associated meaning?
God has many names mentioned in the Bible. Each one has a particular meaning. What are some of the most powerful names of God and their associated meaning?

ELOHIM - God's First Name Revealed The first name that God revealed to us comes in the Book of Genesis. It is ELOHIM and in Genesis 1:1 it refers to the Trinity for ELHOIM is plural and says "In the beginning God [ELOHIM] created the heavens and the earth." We know this is plural because when God created mankind, He said "Let Us make man in Our own image, according to Our likeness" (Gen 1:26a).

YHWH - I AM... This is the name revealed to Moses when Moses asked what name he should give to the Israelites if they asked what His name was. This is the same title that Jesus used many times in the great "I AM's" during His earthly ministry. It is the "Self-Existent One." We are human beings but God is simply "Being" meaning... He had no beginning and He will have no ending.

ADONAI - The Lord is Master... The Hebrew name ADONAI in English means Lord or Master. It describes the Lordship of God over us as individuals. Adon in the Hebrew means master, steward, overseer, or Lord. In the context of the Old Testament ADONAI could be said to mean that God is our Master, our Overseer and our Lord. Jesus said that whoever you obey is your lord. You cannot claim God as your Lord if you do not obey Him. He is ADONAI - your Master - or He is not. If He is not, then you presently have the wrath of God still abiding on you.

JEHOVAH JIREH - The Lord Will Provide... JEHOVAH JIREH is specifically speaking about salvation for in Genesis 22, God provided a ram to be sacrificed after the Angel of the Lord stopped the knife in Abraham's hand from killing Isaac. Genesis 22:14 is literally translated in the Hebrew to read "And Abraham called the place 'The-Lord-Will-Provide' [JEHOVAH JIREH]. The "shall be" is prophetic and points to Christ Jesus thousands of years later and in that same spot where the Father would provide for us Jesus Christ Who gave His own life willingly just as Abraham was willing to give the life of Isaac.

EL SHADDIA - The Almighty God... EL is part of God's name and when you add SHADDIA you are literally saying God Almighty or the God of the Mountains. Mountains almost always refer to the nations in the Bible. The Almighty is mighty over all there is in the universe and in heaven which includes the angels, including Satan and the fallen angels (demons).

JEHOVAH SHALOM - The Lord is Peace... I like this one because it makes me think about Romans 5:1 which says "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we now have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Peace in the Old Testament; Judges 6:24 where "Gideon built an altar there to the Lord and called it, The Lord Is Peace."

JEHOVAH ROHI - The Lord is my Shepherd... If you are not saved, then the Lord is not your Shepherd. This is the name given by David when he wrote the 23rd Psalm. If the Lord is your Shepherd [JEHOVAH ROHI], then He will make you to lie down in green pastures and not brown patches.

A name is important for the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). Our name is important in that our name will be either in the Book of Life or not. If it is in the Book of Life at death, we will be with God, worshipping God, praising Him with all the saints in heaven. Those whose name is in the Book of Life will gain access to heaven and will be privileged to spend eternity in a perfect environment with no aches, pains, or sorrow. If our name is not in the Book of Life, our eternal destiny is separated from the Father God. We will be in constant torment for eternity in hell that was prepared for Satan and all his angels (demons).

Heaven or hell; it is our choice. There is no other name in heaven whereby we must be saved...JESUS!