Dishonoring the Name that is Above Every Name!
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain.

Dishonoring the Name that is above every name! Is that all there is to "taking the name of the Lord thy God in vain?"

When we put on a uniform, we take the name of those whose uniform it is. Whether it is a sports team uniform, a work uniform for that employer or a military uniform. When we choose a career, we take the name of the best of everyone in that career field. When we take on a title, we take the name of the best of everyone with that title.

If you take the name of God at a ceremony and tell the world that you are now part of the 'bride of Christ' as the church is called, yet you do not live like a 'bride of Christ', you have taken His name in vain...and you will not be considered guiltless. Live with Jesus as if you are committed to Him for life, not as if He is just a friend. A spouse is supposed to be an intimate friend, companion, confidant, friend and a lifetime commitment. To treat Jesus as anything less than that, is to take His name in vain.

"My God" spoken in haste and without reverence is His name spoken in vain. Stating "Oh, my God"...spoken as if to sluff off a surprise action or finding yourself in an awkward position...is His name spoken in vain.

          Ouch. Are we 'guilty as charged'?

How do you feel about this commandment? Your reaction to this question will let you know how you truly feel about the Holy Name of Jehovah God.

The guilty part...Will it be here on earth, or will it be when we stand before the Lord?